Sunday, October 27, 2013

I'm the water drinking designated driver and here's why...

So this is more me having a rant about how boring people think I am.

I'm going to start with my favourite drink to have on a night out; water. I've always been able to have a good time without drinking, I've been known to jump on pianos and sing loud and proud, I rarely drink but it's never stopped me having a great night out.

There are several reasons I choose not to have soft drinks and alcohol.

1. Migraines. Anyone who gets them bad will be able to sympathise with me here, alcohol and caffeinated drinks such as cola are triggers for my migraines and they are no fun at all - every time I've been out and had a drink I've come home with a bad migraine and it's not much fun at all.

2. I don't want to get drunk. When I do drink the most I've ever drunk were 3 JD and cokes, I've never been drunk. I don't want to either. I'm a major control freak and the idea of losing control scares me.

3. I may put a TMI warning with this one...It makes me pee. A lot. Even after just 2 glasses of fizzy I'm non stop in the toilet wishing I'd drunk water instead. Oddly enough water doesn't do that too me.

All of these things stop me enjoying my night. I can't enjoy anything when I have a migraine, if I'm sitting in a toilet stall the whole night or if I'm worried about how much I'm drinking - it just puts me in miserable, anxiety fuelled place which I hate.

The very last reason is;

4. Water is free! I always end up having a cheap night, usually we get into most places either cheap or free because we get there early and then on top of that all my drinks are free! My purse absolutely adores me for this.

Now for the reasons why I drive to these places.

1. People don't pressure me to drink. It's great driving somewhere, people are aware that drink driving is illegal and so they don't put any pressure on me to drink. Oh, the times I've gone in the taxi with them and all night "have another drink" "I'll buy you a drink" "is that all you're going to drink" it's very annoying

2. I like the comfort and warmth of my car. I love being able to wack my radio up and enjoy my own comfy, warm car. I don't have to sit around waiting for a taxi, and I can sit in my car waiting for them to arrive if I want to. Yes I do offer lifts to people as well which I like doing if I can.

3. Petrol is cheaper than a taxi. It seems to cost so much to get a taxi anywhere, even if there are loads of us sharing the cost, petrol always seems to cost me less every time.

4. I can go through the drive through at Macdonalds while everyone else is standing outside in the cold at the 24 hour slots for pedestrians. And I always get a Maccy d's!

Maybe I don't do things the way everyone else would, maybe I'm missing out on a world of fun, but I like the way I do things. Most importantly it gives me a great night out that I actually want to remember.


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