I was pretty excited to see Dr. Shrunk outside my house asking for my permission to open his new live venue "Club LOL" I said yes right away! I got all 6 signatures I needed.
It seemed to take forever for it to be built, that may or may not have been caused by Kicks being built around the same time, I'm not sure - anyway I didn't know if it was being built or not, no screen around the area, nothing. So I was very happy when Isabelle told me it had been opened today.
Club LOL opened on the 6th of September!
Damn I closed my eyes!
Looks a bit empty and bland, I hope it's not empty later!
The stage is pretty awesome I haven't seen a Gyroid lately
I gave Dr. Shrunk a cherry and he started doing a performance. :) (Cherries are my native fruit)
He gave me the Emotion "Anger" I'm excited about getting all the emotions!
I'll be sure to go back later on today to see the live music!
So I went back later.....K.K. Slider is there...but no one else is here!!
Hopefully more people will turn up next time!